Line and Color Creative is an entity that creates designs in several forms ranging from surface pattern design, digital art, post-production video, paper-cut art such as shadow boxes and custom cards, and from time to time photo restoration and traditional mediums of art.
A Brief History
I started my career in the finance world assisting in transactions of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and the like. It was a good career path in that it paid my bills and provided me excellent benefits but it was never my calling or my passion. After I gave birth to my son I decided to leave the finance industry altogether. So I said goodbye to finance and hello to parenthood. Little did I know that in only two quick years I would rediscover my deepest passion, art. As a new mom, I had no time for creative ventures but as my son grew into a toddler I found myself seeking outlets in which to spend my limited free time and that's when I discovered digital art.
Initially it was a neighbor that introduced me to digital scrapbooking for my son's baby book, this, in turn, led me to a much broader exploration and interest of the digital art world. The serendipitous encounter of digital scraping ignited a creative spark that burns bright to this day. Once I finished my son's baby album I moved on to a more powerful software suite, Adobe, and have never looked back. Now I spend my days creating digital art, surface patterns, and special event and memorial videos, all with Adobe products or on my iPad Pro. I am compelled to create something daily, doing so brings me an immense level of satisfaction. With that said I hope you'll have a peek at my website and find something that inspires you.